10 Things We All Hate About Cleaning Restaurant Kitchen Exhaust

For someone who does not understand all the components of a kitchen exhaust system, cleaning it can be daunting. Moreover, one may not realize how essential it is to keep the commercial kitchen exhaust hood system clean. Scheduling your commercial kitchen exhaust systems cleaning rarely makes the top of the list of things to do, in fact here is a list of 10 things we hate about restaurant hood cleaning.

Before we begin our list let me remind you that hiring a certified hood cleaning contractors is the best and only legal way to properly clean your kitchen vent hood cleaning. The National Fire Protection Association publishes guidelines for professional cleaning services to inspect, maintain and de-grease your commercial kitchen exhaust system. The kitchen staff should conduct checks every week of the access panels, fans and hood filters and contact a professional cleaning service in between scheduled cleaning when issues are discovered. More often owners wait for rooftop grease buildup and hood filters caked with grease before considering a cleanup.

Scheduling The Cleaning

As mentioned above, not scheduling a cleanup or delaying the regular checkup can be a hassle. Running a commercial kitchen is overwhelming enough. Who wants to keep track of the cleaning schedule too. Reputable hood cleaning contractors will proactively schedule your hood cleaning in the month it is due.

Missing a cleaning may overload the exhaust fan motor and clog the hood filter system rendering it ineffective. Generally the hood system fails on our busy night at full capacity. We regularly get calls from restaurants on Friday and Saturday night that had to close early becasue of smoke in the dinning area. Almost always they are past due on a vent hood cleaning. Sometimes the the damage done requires a motor or bearing replacement.  

However, this situation is completely avoidable if there are regular checks, degreasing, and surface clean-up. The regular tending will ensure you don’t land up in a situation where you may have to shut down your restaurant. 

Clogged Grease Filters

The neglected grease from the filters may turn into clogged filters. This will impact the duct system and exhaust fans. As a result, the air will contain grease vapors, and it may reach the roof. No one will find the kitchen workable and may not do the best. Think about all the grease that will collect over the roof due to the lack of a working grease box. 

The repair of all the components and roof may end up costing you a fortune. To avoid this, one needs to clean the grease from the filters and exhaust system every day and take the call or text when your exhaust hood cleaner schedules.

Lack of Roof Access

The professional cleaners will require roof access to ensure your kitchen hood’s ductwork, and exhaust fan is clean. Make sure the design of your kitchen hood conforms to the necessary guidelines and prerequisites. The lack of roof access may lead to improper cleaning and workspace for the cleaners.  Roof access does not mean climbing a fire escape to the third floor with an extention ladder to reach the 5th floor roof fan.

Risk of a Fire

No employee will prefer working in an unsanitary kitchen. Grease buildup is a fire hazard and potentially life changing event. The risk of flash fire increases that may impact the nearby building. Imagine the damage that may be caused due to the lack of a clean kitchen hood. Now consider how much you would pay to go back in time and get the hood clean? Hire a certified exhaust system cleaning company and rest easy.

Inspection Failure

With every kitchen hood cleaning there is a chance something was missed. Just like every meal you serve is not perfect sometimes the cleaners miss somehting. A reputable exhaust hood system cleaning company will want you to contact them immediately to remedy the issue. Restaurant hood cleaning companies that take befoe and after pictures will be able to help diagnose the cause and quickly return. Your commercial kitchen cleaner should be asking, “how do we make it right?”.

Kitchen Sanitation Issues

Another thing that may impact your kitchen hood cleaning is the lack of proper ventilation when a vent hood cleaning is overdue. Again, this will affect the health of your workers and customers. Moreover, it will lead to poor indoor quality, greasy aromas, and grease in all your appliances, surfaces, and utensils. 

Lower Employee Productivity

Your employees will not give a hundred percent in an uncomfortable work environment. In addition, the heat accumulation from smoke and grease may lead to unsafe breathing and long-term health issues. 

Environmental Safety Concerns

Hood cleaning like grease trap pumping is an ongoing job. Improper management and disposal of grease may cause run off from the exhaust fan to end up in the storm water system. This is an EPA and DER issue that typically results in hefty fines.

Inexperienced Cleaning Staff

You get what you pay for. Spend the extra $100 and hire a certified, insured, properly trained commercial kitchen hood cleaning company. The savings is nothing compared to the loss of your business in the event of a fire. Remember the Kitchen Manager, General Manager and Owner are personally liable for the proper cleaning of the commercial kitchen hood system.

Lack of Transparency

Find a company that will explain the entire cleaning process and put it in writing. We send every potential customer a written proposal that details work scope. We take between 20 and 200 pictures of every job. We spend the time so you can focus on serving your customers.

Complex Components of the Restaurant Kitchen Hoods

The complexity of the design of the commercial kitchen restaurant hood is daunting. However, you do not need to worry about this with an experienced professional by your side. Make sure to choose a certified exhaust and hood cleaning company that will take the time to explain the nuances of your system and regular hood cleaning.


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